Defines an offset vector used to get a horizon offset.
Defines the distance of the sun according to the active scene camera.
Defines if sky should be dithered.
Defines the sun inclination, in interval [-0.5, 0.5]. When the inclination is not 0, the sun is said "inclined".
Defines the overall luminance of sky in interval ]0, 1[.
Defines the mieCoefficient in interval [0, 0.1] which affects the property .mieDirectionalG.
Defines the amount of haze particles following the Mie scattering theory.
Defines the sky appearance (light intensity).
Defines the sun position in the sky on (x,y,z). If the property .useSunPosition is set to false, then the property is overridden by the inclination and the azimuth and can be read at any moment.
Defines the amount (scattering) of haze as opposed to molecules in atmosphere.
Defines the vector the skyMaterial should consider as up. (default is Vector3(0, 1, 0) as returned by Vector3.Up())
Defines if the sun position should be computed (inclination and azimuth) according to the given .sunPosition property.
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Defines the solar azimuth in interval [0, 1]. The azimuth is the angle in the horizontal plan between an object direction and a reference direction.