Join defines how to fill the holes that may appear between parallels to the two adjacent faces. It may take values GeomAbs_Arc or GeomAbs_Intersection: if Join is equal to GeomAbs_Arc, then pipes are generated between two free edges of two adjacent parallels, and spheres are generated on "images" of vertices; it is the default value
Offset to apply
if Join is equal to GeomAbs_Intersection, then the parallels to the two adjacent faces are enlarged and intersected, so that there are no free edges on parallels to faces. RemoveIntEdges flag defines whether to remove the INTERNAL edges from the result or not. Warnings Since the algorithm of MakeThickSolid is based on MakeOffsetShape algorithm, the warnings are the same as for MakeOffsetShape.
SelfInter tells the algorithm whether a computation to eliminate self-intersections needs to be applied to the resulting shape. However, as this functionality is not yet implemented, you should use the default value (false)
Shape to make thick
closing faces
Tolerance defines the tolerance criterion for coincidence in generated shapes
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if Intersection is false (default value), the intersection is calculated with the parallels to the two adjacent shapes