a true or false boolean
Does comparison between first and second values
two values to be compared
Result of the comparison
Returns first defined value out of two
two values
value or undefined
Apply not operator on the boolean
a true or false boolean
Apply not operator on a list of booleans
a list of true or false booleans
Creates a random boolean list of predefined length
a length and a threshold for randomization of true values
Creates a boolean list based on a list of numbers and a threshold.
a length and a threshold for randomization of true values
Creates a boolean list based on a list of numbers and a gap thresholds. Gap thresholds are pairs of numbers that define a range of numbers that will be true.
a length and a threshold for randomization of true values
Creates a random boolean list of true and false values based on a list of numbers. All values between true threshold will be true, all values above false threshold will be false, and the rest will be distributed between true and false based on the number of levels in a gradient pattern. That means that the closer the number gets to the false threshold the bigger the chance will be to get random false value.
a length and a threshold for randomization of true values
Transmits a value if boolean provided is true and undefined if boolean provided is false
a value and a boolean value
value or undefined
Generated using TypeDoc
Creates a boolean value - true or false