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Type parameters

  • T


  • ZenHideoutDrawingPartShapes





Optional beamsCompound

beamsCompound: T

The representation of all beam objects in the building

Optional ceilingCompound

ceilingCompound: T

The representation of the ceiling of the building

Optional columnsCompound

columnsCompound: T

The representation of all column objects in the building

Optional firstFloorExteriorPanelsCompound

firstFloorExteriorPanelsCompound: T

The representation of all exterior panels on the first floor of the building

Optional firstFloorInteriorPanelsCompound

firstFloorInteriorPanelsCompound: T

The representation of all interior panels on the first floor of the building

Optional floorCompound

floorCompound: T

The representation of the floor of the building

Optional glassFramesCompound

glassFramesCompound: T

The representation of all glass frame objects in the building

Optional roofCoverFirstCompound

roofCoverFirstCompound: T

The representation of the first roof cover of the building

Optional roofCoverSecondCompound

roofCoverSecondCompound: T

The representation of the second roof cover of the building

Optional roofExteriorPanelsCompound

roofExteriorPanelsCompound: T

The representation of all exterior panels on the roof of the building

Optional roofInteriorPanelsCompound

roofInteriorPanelsCompound: T

The representation of all interior panels on the roof of the building

Optional stairsCompound

stairsCompound: T

The representation of stairs

Optional windowFrameCompound

windowFrameCompound: T

The representation of all window frame objects in the building

Optional windowGlassCompound

windowGlassCompound: T

The representation of all window glass objects in the building

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